Sunday, June 29, 2008

Be on the look out...

Hey everyone,

I have a few things to update ya on, but more importantly I have a book to share with you about...God has really been speaking to me in several areas of my life and really telling me to give it all over to Him, all of it and mostly giving me comfort that His revenge is far more powerful than mine could ever be and really speaking to me on how I should love everyone that I encounter....this all ties perfectly with the book I am currently reading.

So, if you are interested...stay tuned because when I have some more time I am going to be writing a good blog. (at least in my opinion it will be good, take it how you want.)

But for now, it is time for bed. Jeremy and I had a wonderful Sunday....I always love Sundays. I wish every day could be Sunday.

Hope you all find good rest tonight and have a blessed and marvelous Monday.

to be continued...

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