Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What kind of footprints are you leaving behind?

I am currently wasting time before my next class and i was browsing through my email, facebook, the typical online stuff and a thought came to my mind. Throughout this past year of being married to the love of my life, there have been many people come in and out of our life.
Old friends have left, MANY new friends have come.

Some hurt us, some love us, some call us and some don't, some reconcile situations and move on, some hold grudges and forget about it, some call us names, some lift us up, some tear us down, some encourage us, some think we should have never been married, some return phone calls, some don't, some are there for you anytime you need them, some could care less of your needs, some are fun to go to dinner with, some are fun to laugh with, some are friends forever, some are only friends when it's a convenience, some friends enjoy reading scripture about friendships, some think you are pointing fingers at them...the list could go on and on...

Everyone of us have friends like these, but the real question is, what kind of friend are you? do you encourage your friends to walk in the way Christ has laid out for them? do you love them unconditionally as Christ loves you? Or are you the type that holds grudges and never forgives? Do you talk bad about your brother/sister in Christ and tear them down?

**As i type this blog do not think that i am pointing any fingers. The reason for me to blog about this is merely to bring it into the light and be a vessel for God to use me in any way possible, even through reading/writing a blog. God can use Christians in any shape or fashion that He chooses. If my thoughts touch even one person that reads this, then that was the reason it was written. If you are easily offended by things that are brought up that might measure up to the type of friend you are then that is something you should take up with the Lord.**

Some friends come and go, but it is those friends that leave footprints on your heart that really matter. Do you leave behind footprints on your friends heart? Or do you stomp on them because they might have done you wrong? Whatever the case, God's word tells us that we should never put ourselves before others, that we should serve one another with gladness and love unconditionally. Maybe you have some friends that you need to call today just to say hello. maybe you have old friends that need to be forgiven and start a new clean slate....maybe you could care less and will never be the first one to say "I'm sorry" or "will you forgive me?" Whatever you choose to do with your friends is completely up to you, but i do pray that if you are a Christian, that you would live like it and treat others around you the way God says to. Daily Jeremy and I find ourselves praying for our friends both old and new, even the people that do not want our friendship. Some might say I'm boasting about my spiritual life or just putting on a front, but I say it's God speaking through me to share what is on my heart.

Some of this might make sense to you or all of it might not make any sense. Take these words however you want to or forget about them and not take any of it to heart. I believe that if we, as Christians, are out to reach the world, then we need to stop living like the world. We need to set ourselves apart and not only stand out, but stand up for what we know to be the Christlike image that we are called to be.

It's all about LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE...at then end of the day, could you say to yourself that you were as loving as you possibly could have been.

Okay, these are my thoughts, hope you are all having a BLESSED day and I pray that God shows you something about friendship and love and all the things He wants for you.
Proverbs 17:17


Anonymous said...

Your blog definitely has a purpose..it spoke to me! :) I feel like everything in your blog could have been written about me. It was as if I needed that push to make changes in my life regarding friendships.

Reading this, "Maybe you have some friends that you need to call today just to say hello. maybe you have old friends that need to be forgiven and start a new clean slate....maybe you could care less and will never be the first one to say "I'm sorry" or "will you forgive me?"" really spoke to me because it could have been written for my best friend and me (or former best friend). I want to be forgiven for something but I've been to scared to ask for that forgiveness. But in her eyes, it could be perceived as me not caring.

I'll stop rambling, but I just wanted to thank you for writing your blog. It's enlightened me to hold on to my friendships and not give up. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day. =)

Anonymous said...

Preach it sister, preach it. We're friends.