Thursday, June 12, 2008

"What kind of BS is probably wrote that comment to yourself to make you look good"-a paraphrased version of the cruel anon. comment i got

Ok. have you ever heard the saying, "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all?" well, i have and a time or two, i have listened to that and there are other times that i spoke out in anger or whatever and caused pain to others and guilt came over me and apologies came out. But seriously, if you cannot say something nice, it is probably best if you leave it unspoken. In my opinion posting anonomously on someone's blog is being cowardly. Once again, this is my opinion, my blog and if you do not have anything nice to say...get over it, leave my blog site and keep your hateful words to yourself. Neither I, nor anyone in their right mind wants to read anonymous comments that are cruel. You, whoever you are that leaves anonymous comments, yes you, are a sad person and I do pray that one day you find happiness and that you surround yourself with people who bring you up and not tear you down. I do realize the only reason you leave such harsh anonymous comments is because you are hurting and want to make yourself feel better by tearing someone else down. I know there are some anonymous comments that i have been sent, but that person actually emailed me and told me they would rather leave their name out of it for reasons i need not explain. How dumb would it be for me, the writer of this blog, to comment on my own stuff. Really? Are we 10 here? Anyways, this is my rant about RUDE ANONYMOUS COMMENTS and my final thoughts on this subject are and always will be..."IF YOU CANNOT SAY ANYTHING NICE, THEN DO NOT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL." You, mr. or mrs. anonymous cruel comment writer, have a nice day. Oh, and if you don't like what you read, please go elsewhere.

To those who leave good, encouraging, helpful comments:

Thank you for being so kind with your words and showing you care and take interest in what i have to say. Thank you for sharing with me when one of my blogs touches your life and makes you rethink some things. Sharing these comments with me lets me know that there are people out there that do read this and do take some of it to heart. You are awesome and i commend you for your kindness and thoughtfulness. It really does mean a lot, especially when you get cruel comments and the last one you read is positive. Thank you, again and I hope you revisit my blog anytime you like.

p.s. If you have some comments, mr. or mrs. cruel anonymous commenter, please direct them to my personal yahoo mail account... ...and we can discuss why you feel the way you feel and what i might can do to help you. That is, if you aren't too much of a coward to let me know who you are.


Velma said...

wow, people can be sooo cruel. Sorry you had to deal with that!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Chad from Watch Me Live My Life. I wanted to thank you for adding me to your linked sites. Sorry about the "haters" out there...

Be encouraged!


Tori and Zac said...

Regarding the anonymous poster that said that to you...
I think the post they are speaking of is the one I made a comment on from an earlier post? If so, I'm sorry the hatred in his/her heart compelled him/her to write that.
So I'm the "anonymous poster" that was trying to "made Kari look good." It in fact DID mean a lot to me during a time of need.