Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer school and all its glories

Summer school is not all it's cracked up to be. Every day there is a new quiz or a test or a notebook check. Every day there is tons of notes to be taken and hours to be listening. Every day you hear the same voice from the same teacher, every day. But on the brighter side, every day you are closer and closer to being done. I have one week of summer session 1 left and i can hardly wait to be done. I am saddened that I will probably not end up with an A, which wont hurt me, but i was really hoping i would boost my gpa to get higher honors than what i already have. oh well, I am finishing up my college years in four years so I am proud to say I did that. You can't have it all right?!?! Summer session 2 will probably be a busier one than summer 1 because i will have another class and that will make most of my days full with only 10 minutes break in between classes.

It's tough, but this time next year guess what I wont be doing? SCHOOL!!!! I will be a college graduate living in the real world. WooHoo!! :) My lovely amazing husband has told me that I do not have to get a job right away so that is definitely something that has been on my mind. I have been in school for 16 out of the 21 yrs of my life, it's time for a much needed break. I am looking forward to the end of the tunnel, the light is finally in my view and I'm pressing on strong to finish it up.

If any of you have ever taken summer school, you feel my pain. Please pray that summer 2 goes by quickly...cuz time flys when you are having fun right?!? yea right. lol. OK, so I have homework to do, just thought I would share what is on my mind right now....school...school...and school.

I am looking forward to a wonderful dinner tonight with my handsome husband and some great friends of ours. Hope you all have a blessed evening.

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