Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Anonymous commenter visits yet again...

alright, so once again, I have received some harsh anonymous comments and you can go to my previous blog and read them because yes, I published them, or you can read them below from me pasting them:

Anonymous said...
could this post be any stupider? seriously, nobody gives a crap and we are all now dumber for having read are awarded no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

July 13, 2008 2:01 PM

Anonymous said...
once again you are so stupid and the things you blog about make no sense. The reasons your love is based on are not anything of true worth or value. Oh and just because you put love in there a THOUSAND times doesn't make it any more true.

July 16, 2008 7:13 AM

This is for you, mr. or mrs. anonymous commenter,

Who are you? What do you want? Why do you continue to read my blogs if they only make you dumber? Do you not have anything better to do with your life than to tear me or my husband down? Why do you care so much about what I might have to say that you keep revisiting my blog? Why does it matter to you what I blog about? Isn't it my blog;therefore, I can write what I want? I am sorry you have such a hard time when it comes to my blogs and what might sound like a "sunday school" answer to you right now, is merely myself expressing my feelings towards you at the time. So, take it as you wish. I pray even now that as you are sitting and reading this that your day is filled with love and surrounded by those who care about you the most. I pray that God would bless you and show you His perfect plan He has made for your life, that wherever you are you would experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. I do love you, anonymous commenter, and however hard that might be for you to swallow, it is true. I ask that you would be strong today and not give in to the lies of satan and that God would bring His sovereign grace over you in all that you do. I do mean all that I am saying, as hard as it is to say to someone who has such ill feelings towards my husband and I, these are words of truth. I do realize though that you will not, at first, take it as truth, but I do pray that when you are alone that you think about the words that you have said and think about the impact it could have on anyone's life, not just mine. **What if the person you were writing those comments to was in the middle of a crisis in their life, maybe feeling like they are nothing and that this world has nothing to offer them so why live?(this is in no way how I feel, I am only making an instance that might get you to think twice before treating people the way you do or leaving comments anonymously not knowing what might come from them) How would you feel later if you read in the paper about something happening to that person and it was from your comment that topped it off? Could you live with yourself?

I have to stop this blog because I have 2 tests to study for and 2 classes left in the day, but I want to ask you to try as hard as you can, next time you think about leaving a comment on my blog again, to think if deep down in your heart you really think it does anyone any good to read your thoughts...I'm sorry you feel the way that you do and if you have an issue with me, dont be afraid to email me, or even call me. Because A. you are probably someone that I know or you know someone who knows me that could give you my cell number or my husband's number and B. This needs to stop. It is not healthy at all for you to hold in so much hatred for me or my husband and not try to do anything about it.

As for the rest of my readers....any words of wisdom, Godly advice or anything you would like to add...feel free.

Hope you all have a blessed day :)


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord that you can still love this person. You are right in recognizing that this person is hurting and return wants to hurt you and or Jeremy. Surely this person knows that by hurting you, they also hurt Jeremy since you are one.
Remember why you wrote this blog. Out of love for your husband. He is a wonderful man and I am so glad to see God working in and through your marriage. It takes a lot to be ONE, but with God all things are possible.
Thank you for giving God the glory. Remember that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against evil spirits in this world. Satan can even use Christians to bring harm to other believers.
I hope and pray this person does not know you and is just having a bad day. I alos hope they heed your warning about how harmful words could be.
I love you! God is good. All the time. Give it to Him and let it go.

Anonymous said...

Kari. . .You're such a sweetheart, and I'm not real sure why anyone would talk that way to you. I know it's easier said than done, but ignore it. Don't acknowledge them anymore. Don't listen to the comments. Don't accept them. Don't reply to them in another blog. Just don't put up with it. It's a waste of your time, and it's an even bigger waste of that beautiful smile turning into a frown for a bit. Just ignore it all. Like I said, easier said than done. I know. But you HAVE TO. I've had to do some hard things recently, so I know how it feels. You can do it. Be strong. As far as your love for your husband, awesome. I'm happy for you. Don't let anyone bring you down. Keep writing what you want and expressing your feelings. That's what your blog is for. However, write for yourself. Don't write for anyone else except to express your feelings. I love you, and I hope you are able to get through all this BS.

Courtney said...

I have a lot to say about those comments but I don't have much time at the moment... One thing I do want to say is "stupider" is NOT a word. And, please, use punctuation correctly if you're going to comment and try to make yourself look smart.

I love you Kari and your blogs always bring a smile to my face!!!!

Vibesgrl99 said...

I think people wanting to make insulting comments anonymously are cowards in their own lives and are full of hatred towards themselves which they express towards others.

I wouldn't address this issue anymore but to thank them for reading and move on.

See you math Kari...if class would stopped being canceled.

Velma said...

wow --- some people... I know its easier to say don't let it get to you then for it to happen. I had some person of power use my blog against me and it hurt me deaply, got me written up and was the last kick in the knee that sent me on a fast downward spiral -- and what that person did was twist the blog into something it wasn't but because of their power, they were believed..... so i understand the hurt in a way. I'm praying for you. I just hope that the more you post about God's love that they will see what its all about.

I say don't react to their comments by coming back at them cause it seems like they want to get you upset and want to start some kind of verbal whatever. Not saying you are coming back at them, but you know what i mean!

Anonymous said...

kari I think it's absolutely amazing that your being so kind to this person. It's said that they arent going to "man up" and have to post as Anonymous. I think your praying for them, and wishing them well just shows How Good of a person you are. You truly have a heart of gold...What this "anonymous man/woman" says is absolutely absurd.

Anonymous said...

Right on Sister!!!! You are right in your words, of course you do not need me to tell you that. LOVE is an over looked word and most do not understand its true meaning. I too LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband and can not say it or write it enough. And I LOVE YOU SIS!!! May God bless both you and Jeremy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU BOTH!!!

Cassie said...

What on earth could be stupid about expressing your love for your husband? Seems to me that NOT loving your husband would be stupid (for you and for your husband). I praise the response that God has given you and Jeremy to these hurtful comments and you point out some basic truths that are worth pondering...our words can be powerful weapons and we need to be aware of we use the tongue that God placed in our mouth (or in this case the fingers typing the message that could have come from our tongue were we actually brave enough to say them in person). Keep on growing in love together and know that people who love you will lift you up to God during this time :)

Anonymous said...

hey love! isnt it just amazing to know that through it all we still serve a loving KING who is bigger than all of these problems and that you will over come this because with the amount of love that you both have for each other and the amount of God in your relationship, you can sustain anything! and good thing to know also that come hell or high water you both have a firm foundation and foothold in our Savior! love ya muchly!

Jason Jones said...


You know what I think? Anyone who posts anonymous flame comments like that is a coward. Sounds like sour grapes. They don't have what you guys have so they have to attempt to tear it down.

It's amazing how much 'stupider' people become when they don't have to leave a name.

Praying for them is a good idea, and it's awesome how you are dealing with it. I feel certain I would be required by my flesh to verbally abouse the person in question and reduce them to a pile of quivering ectoplasmic goo.