Tuesday, July 22, 2008

*GoD is SO GoOd*

I just want to say THANK YOU to all of our wonderful friends who have been so supportive and who LOVE us no matter what. All of the nice things you have had to say have been so awesome. God has truly blessed Jeremy and I and some of those blessings are each of you with your kind and uplifting words. This is a tough world we live in, but with the LOVE of friends, family and the strength from our Heavenly Father we can get through it day by day looking forward to that glorious day where we will all meet in Heaven. The thing I look forward to most when I get to Heaven is no gossip, no rumors and definately no one tearing you down. It makes me laugh thinking about how SMALL these comments are compared to how BIG our GOD is and how much HE LOVES US and how HE shows us HE WILL TAKE CARE OF US. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS, LOVE AND TRUE FRIENDSHIP. God will BLESS you beyond belief for standing up for your fellow brother and sister in Christ. WE love you ALL so much. I pray you have a fantabulous awesome day.

"A friend LOVES at ALL times.."
-Proverbs 17:17

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