Friday, December 5, 2008

i have reached the END


This week I have been observing(as much as I can when I haven't been sick) and today, December 5, 2008 marks the last day of school for me for a long time. :) I couldn't be happier!!! 2 weeks from today I will be graduating from Texas State University in San Marcos with Cum Laude honors. I never thought this day would actually come and it is right around the corner.

God has shown me and my family so much during this semester, actually throughout this whole year. My marriage, my family, my friends, everyone has been so supportive through all the good and all the bad times. The number one person I am so thankful to have in my life other than my Lord and Savior is Jeremy Denis Hellums. I could not have asked for a bigger fan that what he has been to me throughout my college career. He pushed me when I didn't want to go(often). He let me whine and cry to him when the tough times rose. Mostly, he prayed for me and with me day after day asking God to give me the strength to finish with all that I have. Student teaching prove the be the toughest of all my semesters. God taught me so so much during this semester and I feel like he has made me a different person through it. I never thought I would say this, but I think I actually have a bit of patience in my blood now. lol. Those of you who know me, know how much patience I have. :) I'm working on it OK.

Jeremy, thank you for your support and love and prayers and all your help with my projects and lessons. You are the best husband in the world. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

One other person that I must thank for helping me with my portfolio(tearing it apart by editing it, jk) is Alan. Thanks so much and thanks for creating that really cool rock cycle thing that my kids loved so much:). You are such a great friend!!

Well, it's time for me to get ready to go. I am off to go to my old class to return a journal and pick up some things. Hopefully I can get in a couple more observations(we will see how I feel). I hope you all have a wonderful day today. Look around and think about all the blessings God has given each and every one of you. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! *HUGS*

p.s. all my student teacher friends, I hope you all enjoy your last day and that you only shed tears of gladness cuz we are done ladies and gents. I'll see you all at 10am on December 19th!!!! WOOOHOOO

1 comment:

Velma said...
